Transforming Trauma into Medicine through Sacred Relationship with Self, Spirit and Mother Earth

Starlight Medicine Spring Retreat

This retreat is an invitation to come home. To open to the genuine presence of your being through the use of plant medicine ceremony and earth based traditional practices. It is focused on the awareness that you have what you need within you – everything is in fact here now – and our healing is […]

Trauma as Medicine Retreat Kitchener

Imagine the following: You are standing high on a mountaintop, feet planted firmly on the ground, arms stretched up to greet the heavens, totally connected to Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit. Everything in your body lives and breathes in alignment with the land around you. You know you are here on purpose, your life […]

Trauma as Medicine Retreat BC

Imagine the following: You are standing high on a mountaintop, feet planted firmly on the ground, arms stretched up to greet the heavens, totally connected to Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit. Everything in your body lives and breathes in alignment with the land around you. You know you are here on purpose, your life […]

Starlight Medicine Fall Retreat

This retreat is an invitation to come home. To open to the genuine presence of your being through the use of plant medicine ceremony and earth based traditional practices. It is focused on the awareness that you have what you need within you – everything is in fact here now – and our healing is […]

Trauma as Medicine Retreat New Brunswick

Imagine the following: You are standing high on a mountaintop, feet planted firmly on the ground, arms stretched up to greet the heavens, totally connected to Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit. Everything in your body lives and breathes in alignment with the land around you. You know you are here on purpose, your life […]

Ceremonial Medicine Apprenticeship Training

Costa Rica , Costa Rica

Calling all Medicine People… You who have been marked, initiated, and guided to sit with plant medicine at this time of great awakening. Life has gifted you a series of challenges that has led you into the heart center of our evolving times. This program is for you.  To root your awareness in a foundation […]