From the West direction of the medicine wheel Jaguar greets us. Every step and motion accounted for, it is Jaguar who inspires impeccability and integrity to guide us through the dark. It is jaguar whose astute confidence leads us to come to terms with our power and address our fears. In Andean Shamanism Jaguar represents the Kay-pacha, the middle world & the present moment. Invite Jaguar in lead you as a powerful archetype in coming home to your body in the now.
7pm – Open Sacred Space
7:15-7:45 Shamanic Journey
7:45-8:15 Ecstatic Dance/movement
8:15-8:30 Circle Share & Close space
Cost $30 in advance – $40 at the door
E-transfer to
SHAMANIC JOURNEY is the art of experiencing direct revelation at will. As a core shamanic practice, it is a fundamental tool in learning to navigate the underworld, middle world & upperworld, utilizing the information gathered to bring forth messages, meaning and purpose. Relationship is built with each realm to support a greater understanding of who you are and your place in the Great Mystery.
POWER ANIMAL – Receive the benefit of shapeshifting into their body and seeing the world through their eyes/experiences. Listen and feel into what you must learn on a sensory level and how this perspective may change your own point of view. For example: Cobra helps us to connect with the Kundalini fire rising from the earth, awakening each of our chakras with this power. Experiencing what it is like to move with the awareness and presence of Cobra shows you how to embody, feel and express what you want.
ECSTATIC DANCE – There is about thirty minutes of free form movement included in each of these classes to support your body in releasing contracted energy, open to your gifts, and practice embodiment.