This month’s full moon journey is with Raven.
The Call: “You who fly into the darkest places of the psyche and recognise the alchemy of transformation at the heart of chaos, guide each of us individually to awaken to the shapeshifting required to move out of stuck patterns, habits and points of view. Help us to face our fears. We welcome you Raven.”
Event date/times: Wednesday October 20th, we roll at 6pm Vancouver/LA time… Albertans that is 7PM MST for you. Time is 2hours at the max.
Cost: $30 – please pay via e-transfer to or click below for Pay Pal and the link will be sent out upon receipt of purchase.
Please make note of the following:
• Stay for full event
• Have your camera on (unless wifi issue) during opening and discussion. You may turn it off while journeying.
• Have a stone with you as well as something to smudge with – a bowl of water works great in lieu of sage/cedarwood/palo santos.
Event will unfold as follows:
1. Opening Sacred space and prayer
2. Discussion of this month’s focus
3. The journey itself
4. Time to journal
5. Debrief/share
6. Close Sacred Space
I look forward to seeing you all!
***Simply by joining you are consenting to joining the recording journey. Your personal shares are not recorded***