Transforming Trauma into Medicine through Sacred Relationship with Self, Spirit and Mother Earth

Info coming soon!

I feel like I have been given a gift, all of Sarah’s years of experiences and knowledge has been passed on to me through the words of these pages and will forever change my cellular makeup. I am deeply grateful. I can now pass this knowledge on to my clients so that they may find healing and peace, and to my children so that I can do the best job with what I have been given. This book is a ‘great reminder’. Not of who we can become, but of who we already are, right now.

This is a book I could read over and over again. Sometimes life gets in the way and I can feel off track. When I need a little help with remembering my worth or how to stay on track, I will pull out this book and find my way back. 

Laurie Nordberg

BSN, Life Coach and Shamanic Pracdtitioner

Through Trauma as Medicine and Shamans Path, I was guided to see and feel “unresolved” trauma energy in me.  I learned so much from these workshops. Each ceremony and exercise helped me take my first steps in my healing journey.

As for her book : This is a love story. This is an affirmation that we all have a higher purpose, and there is a higher intelligence that will show us the map to get there; we only need to follow. 

Heep Quon

Shamanic Practitioner

Sarah has created a sacred process of healing that I can embody in the here and now.

The beauty is, I can go through my day with a healing stone about my neck as a constant reminder that my inner world is tending to a wound with curiosity, love and compassion. It makes it real. The result is only for the betterment of myself, my family and my community. It ripples outward.

Healing trauma is sacred work.

Denise Stewart RMT– Mornville Alberta

Working with Sarah and the Trauma as Medicine has been a tremendous gift on my journey of healing my deep and long-standing abandonment wounds. Sarah’s ability to help empower me to heal myself, without reliance on anything or anyone outside of my own inner medicine and truth has been a remarkable gift.

Kate Hook – Onoway Alberta

I have gleaned the importance and the profound understanding of being able to share our stories around trauma, in order to help heal each other as a collective. The importance of being able to do it in a safe environment where we know there will be no judgment, just the pure desire to help support each other wherever we sit in this process. 

– Jae Write, Vernon B.C.

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