by sarahsalterkelly | May 18, 2022
Sarah Salter Kelly shares her experience of her mothers homicide as a template to support others in moving into the underworld territory of trauma. Through her inspirational story she offers foundational teachings to guide you in trusting that not only have you had...
by sarahsalterkelly | May 8, 2022
Sarah Salter Kelly shares her experience of her mothers homicide as a template to support others in moving into the underworld territory of trauma. Through her inspirational story she offers foundational teachings to guide you in trusting that not only have you had...
by sarahsalterkelly | Apr 26, 2022
Sarah Salter Kelly shares her experience of her mothers homicide as a template to support others in moving into the underworld territory of trauma. Through her inspirational story she offers foundational teachings to guide you in trusting that not only have you had...
by sarahsalterkelly | Apr 23, 2022
Sarah Salter Kelly shares her experience of her mothers homicide as a template to support others in moving into the underworld territory of trauma. Through her inspirational story she offers foundational teachings to guide you in trusting that not only have you had...
by sarahsalterkelly | Apr 21, 2022 | Uncategorized
Gaia rising metaphysical store in Nelson BC has been my top shop for local sales with Trauma as Medicine. Their dedication to supporting local alternatives in health, healing and transformation is truly beautiful. You must go. gaia rising metaphysical nelson bc canada...