by sarahsalterkelly | Feb 24, 2023 | Blog
It is in those silent moments, when we are out in the wild and stillness becomes a palpable force that we hear the voices of those who have gone before us – The ancestors of this land. And though more recently in Canada they are varied in roots and origin, for...
by sarahsalterkelly | Nov 22, 2022 | Uncategorized
LSD didn’t come with instructions in 1991. A small tab of paper bought on the street corners from strangers; the exchange was furtive, fast, and focused on not getting caught in the act. There were no handouts like this one that came with the tincture I procured on...
by sarahsalterkelly | Jun 21, 2022 | Uncategorized
Leadership, Solstice & the Goody Two Shoes Oh sweet, blessed Sun Cycle of light. I give thanks for your powerful illumination in these past 6 months. For shining the power of awareness on what I have most needed to learn. In January I set the intention to step...
by sarahsalterkelly | Apr 21, 2022 | Uncategorized
Gaia rising metaphysical store in Nelson BC has been my top shop for local sales with Trauma as Medicine. Their dedication to supporting local alternatives in health, healing and transformation is truly beautiful. You must go. gaia rising metaphysical nelson bc canada...
by sarahsalterkelly | Mar 10, 2022 | Uncategorized
We know when part of our soul is missing. There is this indelible itch inside of our being pushing us to seek out the missing pieces, to track what is ‘lost’ and follow our soul’s natural inclination towards wholeness. It is not something we have a context for in...